In 1926 he was sent to Australia to live with his great-uncle Edward Herbert Finch at Greenwich Point in Sydney. And I think a man sitting under a bo tree and becoming enlightened is a beautiful one." He is reported to have said: "I think a man dying on a cross is a ghastly symbol for a religion. Undoubtedly, as a result of his childhood contact with Buddhism, Finch always claimed to be a Buddhist. In 1925 Laura took Peter with her to Adyar, a theosophical community near Madras, India, for a number of months, and the young boy lived for a time in a Buddhist monastery.

George gained custody of Peter, who was taken from his biological mother and brought up by his adoptive paternal grandmother, Laura Finch (formerly Black), in Vaucresson, France. Alicia Finch married Jock Campbell in 1922. George Finch divorced his wife in 1920 on the grounds of her adultery with Campbell. However, Peter only learned in his mid-40s that Wentworth Edward Dallas "Jock" Campbell, an Indian Army officer, not George Finch, was his biological father.

In 1915, at Portsmouth, Hampshire, George married Alicia Fisher, the daughter of a Kent barrister. He was a research chemist when he moved to Britain in 1912 and later served during the First World War with the Royal Army Ordnance Depot and the Royal Field Artillery. George Finch was born in New South Wales, Australia, but was educated in Paris and Zürich. At the time, Alicia was married to George Finch.