He gains bonus critical chance for each Fury he gains. Tryndamere gains Fury each time he attacks, deals critical damage, or kills an enemy unit. Buy its component Executioner’s Calling early if you are facing high sustain champions in a lane like Dr. Mortal Reminder – Shred down tanks through this item’s highest armor penetration bonus.Buy this item earlier if you are facing a fed burst damage champion like Lee Sin or Zed. Both situations are equally frustrating for the enemy. After obtaining this item, you can now choose to activate Undying Rage before or after the resurrect passive procs. Guardian Angel – If being undying for 5 seconds isn’t enough, the resurrect passive from this item grants you another life.Navori Quickblades – Allows you to spam your abilities endlessly thanks to its Deft Strikes passive that refunds a portion of your basic abilities cooldowns when you land a critical hit.

Solari Chargeblade – has the Sunburst passive that adds 25% more critical strike chance and grants bonus true damage to your critical strikes while you have Sunburst stacks.Upgrade with the Teleport Enchant because Tryndamere is an excellent split pusher who can dive turrets and 2v1 when ahead. If you suspect your enemies are going to build Grievous Wounds items early on, Plated Steelcaps or Mercury Treads might be the better option. Gluttonous Greaves – Increases Tryndamere’s sustain through physical vamp.Plus, after striking an enemy champion three times, the Drain passive activates and steals the movement speed of the target enemy. It also has Ruined Strikes passive which deals a percentage of the enemy’s current HP as physical damage which makes it great against tanks.